Saturday, May 2, 2009


So much has happened in the past month, I dont really know where to start! I guess I'll just dive in and see where we end up!

First, the housing situation. We are MOVING! I am so so so so excitekid! I am so excited to live in a house with just OUR little family. For those of you who don't know, before Steve and I started dating he bought a townhouse with one of his friends. That is where we having been living for nearly 2 years. Needless to say, it is time to move on.
The friend (whose name also happens to be Steve- weird, I know) has decided to buy our half out. We went through many, many scenarios before arriving at this one. We couldn't be happier but to be honest, shocked. We never expected that and are so excited to start our own little life in our own little house. We are looking at new houses next Friday and I cannot tell you ecstatic Iam.

Second, Laila's surgery. It was one of the best decisions we have ever made. For any of you who have met Laila, you know that she is THE happiest baby ever! Even with the constant ear infections she is smiley and giggly. You should see her NOW! She is talking so much and moving around like never before.

*Time out* Laila would like say something.

Ok, she really needed to get that out.
So]u, back to the surgery. We were the first ones on the schedule that day. Of course, the doctor was surprise. I made Steve go back when she had the anesthia. I just don't think that I can handle that little baby drifting off like that. He was only gone a little over 2 minutes! Then we waited for the doctor, another 4 minutes and then waiting for her to wake up another 5 minutes max! It all took less than 15 minutes.

When we were called back to the recovery room, she was crying and her little head was all wobbly. It was quite sad. She just wanted her mommy. I snuggled her and kissed her. I talked to her and told her it was all over and she would feel much better now. We let her have some
apple juice. Hey! Surgery is a big deal, the girl deserved a little sugar rush. :)

We went home shortly after. She cried all the way home but as soon as we got out of the car and
I got her in my arms, she quieted. She took a 3.5 hour nap and woke up quite perky! She played, sang and laughed all afternoon.

Ok, I am sure there is a ton I am leaving out. But Laila is too cute to not play with right now! :)

1 comment:

Jennifer W said...

So glad it went well. And you are right, Avelyn was so cuddly after her surgery, she loved it. And she is EVERYWHERE now! Nothing holding her back!

PS- my captcha word is bleeder. Creepy.