Sunday, March 22, 2009

Just to hold you over...

I know how much you have been missing seeing new photos of Miss Laila. So here is one of her drinking her bottle like a BIG girl!!!

Steve and I have both had a rough week at work. We are excited to take our much needed vacation out to D.C.!!! I'm so excited to see one of my very best friends, Christine and we are all excited to see Scott and Tanya.

We have resolved the daycare issue, thankfully. We have chosen a wonderful woman who is about 1 mile from our house. We are very thankful to have found her and are excited for Laila to start playing there! More details on that later.

Laila has yet another ear infection. Oy vey! We have her scheduled for tubes on April 27th and are just ready to be done with this business!

This week was a big week for LJ. She learned to wave AND clap! She is also perfecting asking for MORE using her signing skills. Completely adorable, if you ask me!

I think that's everything! Night everyone! We love you! :)

1 comment:

Jennifer W said...

She is a genius! Avelyn just learned to clap this month! I am SO glad you have found a new place for Laila you like. I'm really hoping this one works out for you!