Wednesday, August 26, 2009

She's still got it!

And by "it", I mean cheeks. As is evident in this photo, the cheeks are still there.

We had her check up today and it went well. She is 22 lbs 11 oz and 31 inches tall! She is really tall! :) No teeth yet and dr said at her 15 month (2 months from now) check up if she still doesn't have any we will talk to a specialist. I am not worried yet, but Steve is concerned. She got 3 shots and is so far doing fine. We gave her pizza after, so that makes everything better.

Still no word on the house closing. It doesn't look like it is going to happen this week again. Big shocker!


Anonymous said...

love those sweet cheeks and those curls! Steve, you didn't have teeth yet at her age either. Dr. Steele said the later they come in, the longer you will have them. The teeth will come when they are ready. Sorry about the house, you know me, if it's meant to be it will all fall in to place, if not, there is a better house waiting for can always keep looking while you wait...

stef said...

Actually, we can't keep looking. If we don't get this house we won't have the money to buy another one as we will lose our earnest money. But thanks for the idea.