Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back to Reality

Well, reality has truly set it. I am back at work and I am not enjoying it! It was my first full week back this week and it was harder then I could have ever imagined. I miss Laila so much and I am having a hard time being apart from her. Steve of course already had to go through this so he is doing ok with it.

On the upside, Laila really does like daycare. She smiles almost everyday we walk in the door. And the girls there just LOVE her. She has had a bit of a cold this past week (as have I), so we are struggling with that.

Right now, Laila is out with Grandma and Grandpa Tarasar at my mom's great aunt's 70th birthday party. Steve and I are catching up on laundry and other various housework. Ok, we aren't really. I am blogging and Steve is watching the Vikings game. :)

We have a lot coming up in the next few weeks. Next weekend I am hosting a baby shower for my good friend Victoria, then the next weekend it is off to Mitchell, SD to see Laila's Great Grandma Schryer. The first week in October Steve and I are going to a concert and a housewarming party. Then we week off (thanks goodness!) but then it is off to Chicago for Steve's birthday. We are very excited to see the Jensens and meet little Prentice!

Well, back to folding laundry and gearing up for another LONG work week!
This is our weekend look :) taken this morning.

1 comment:

Jennifer W said...

I love that weekend look. Doesn't your heart just melt when she lays her little head on your shoulder? It is so hard being away from your baby. Sometimes when Avelyn is just sleeping in the other room I actually MISS her. Momma love!