Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Update Time!!!!

So quick update on Laila Bean. We are going on March17th to the pediatric ENT to have a consult for tubes. Laila has yet another ear infection. I am bummed, but I am glad that we are going to get her little ears feeling better soon!

She is getting bigger everyday. This past weekend she had her first laugh. Her first true, deep, belly laugh. A laugh that she couldn't control because what her daddy was doing was SO funny. I was rolling on the floor laughing just from HER laughing. That was one of the best moments of my life.

We are heading out to Washington D.C. in 3 weeks to see Scott, Tanya and my friend Christine. We are all really excited!

Over Valentine's Day we headed to Chicago to visit Prentice Jensen! We had the best time with our friends Jesse and Melissa! Laila and Prentice were so adorable and they played so well together. :) We even got out to eat and enjoyed a few adult beverages.

All in all, things have been going well here is the Janish household. Normal ups and downs, but we are hanging in there! :)


Anonymous said...

Looks like Ridley has some competition:)

Jennifer W said...

Ugh she is tooooo cute! I'm glad you might be getting rid of ear infections, those tubes work wonders. BTW - that pacifier looks like the little baby ones, for under 6 months. Go get that girl some big girl MAMs! Avelyn and I love MAMs!

Victoria said...

Long distance relationships don't often work at Laila's age. Besides, Prentice seems a bit old for Laila.

I think Ridley has the edge here. :)