Monday, December 15, 2008

10 days until Christmas

We are in full countdown mode here at the Janish household in freezing cold North St Paul, Mn. Currently it is -3 degrees with a windchill of -25 degrees!!! Although apparently it is only going to be a high on 37 degrees today in Arlington. But 37 is better than -3!

I am home sick today and I hoping that Laila is not going to pick it up. I am just relaxing on the couch hoping that I will be up and running by tomorrow!

We started feeding Laila her delicious organic rice cereal...mmmmm... :)
She is an eating machine and she loves it. When I say love I mean...LOOOOVVVEE....she is an eating machine and gets really angry when we take her spoon away when she is all done.

Here are some pics of our little lady Laila!

1 comment:

Jennifer W said...

We have that high chair too! Might I suggest investing in a couple of the wipe down plastic bibs. Once she starts eating foods with color your beautiful bibs will be tie died orange/green/yellow. Plus they catch the drops in the pocket so no drips on the baby pants! Can't wait to see you!