Friday, April 23, 2010

Spontaneous Moments

Sometimes with kids, you can't predict what will happen or what they will do. Okay, who am I trying to kid...we never can. But out of that often comes the most amazing experiences and the most precious memories. This is one of the funniest....and happens to have been caught on video. :)

Laila says to Steve as he turns to leave the bathroom.. "you farted? you farted?"

Oh my gosh, I still laugh so hard I can barely stand it every time I watch this.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


We had tacos the other night and Laila insisted on having her own full sized taco.  Fully loaded, of course!  Well, except the hot sauce which she informed us was "not for babies mommy".

She managed to get two good bites before it all fell apart.  Mostly in her lap but partially on her plate.  Then we taught her the wonders of the taco salad!   What a eventful dinner.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Getting dressed

Laila likes to dress herself these days.  And let's be honest, what girl doesn't need to wear four pair of shorts on a brisk April day? ;)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Laila is doing a little Easter morning playdoh art. She had an exciting morning looking through her Easter basket and searching for all the eggs the Easter Bunny hid for her!
This afternoon we are off to the Liekhus' house to enjoy some time with old friends!

Happy Easter everyone!
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Friday, April 2, 2010

Such a big girl!

This is Laila eating her "ice keam" treat after going peepee on her potty TWICE in on night! Woo hoo!

Mommy and daddy see a faint light at the end of the diaper tunnel. We aren't getting our hopes up too high and are just enjoying the laughs that come along with this part of parenthood. :)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry