Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Winter Blues

The Janish house has the winter blues. It is wearing on us and we are
tired of it! Yes, we realize we live in Minnesota and yes, we know we
shouldn't complain about the snow. It isn't so much the snow that we is the weeks and weeks without seeing the sun. It is the
wind and the below freezing temps that make your skin dry and give you
an instant "ice cream headache". You didn't think that was possible?
Well, my friends, it is and it is brutal.

With all that said, we won't leave Minnesota. She is like a bad
relationship. When things are bad they are bad but when they are
good, they are ohhhhh so good. The summer is the best in the world.
There is nothing better that I have ever experienced then driving up
to the lake on a Friday after work. Spending Saturday floating around
on the pontoon with a cooler full of adult beverages and a good book.
Getting whipped around the lake on a tube or floating on a blow up
raft that is tied to the dock so you don't float away. There is
nothing more satisfying then having a paddle boat race across the lake
and then coming back to a delicious grilled dinner. Every night the
promise of a campfire and s'mores. The idea that, yes, this only
lasts 4-5 months seems unreasonable. But it is worth it. It is worth
every bleak and dreary snowy, slush filled day.

So, lets make it through the next 6-7 weeks and we are home free!
There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it smells like Banana
boat and frozen margaritas. :)

(Did i mention we can't take the winter anymore and we are going to
Mexico for a week)
( Oh, I left that part out? Sorry. We are wimps and need some sunshine.)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Oh my, what a difference a year can make.

Well, 10.5 months to be exact. It still makes my brain hurt a little to think how a little baby can grow into the amazing little person that lives in our house. Look at those chubby cheeks! I can't wait to see what she looks like in the next 10.5 months! :)
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Friday, February 5, 2010

An artist hard at work!

I couldn't even get her to smile at me. She is so into the new coloring books she just got from her great grandma Audrey!

Thanks Grandma!
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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Laila's newest cousin!

Meet Aurie Grace McCoy!
Born January 25,2010

She is so beautiful and such a sweet natured baby! We all just love her so much already. Laila has been talking about baby Aurie all week. She even asked to go see her tonight. :)

We went to see baby Aurie last weekend and Laila wasn't so interested in her. She only wanted to play with Locke. I think the idea of babies is much more appealing to her than the actual baby. :)

Congrats to the McCoys!
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